Key Stage One
Arithmetic will take place daily and last for 15 to 20 minutes. In KS1, pupils will practise and retrieve key number skills that have been previously taught for four sessions each week, to develop fluency. Teachers use NCETM Mastering Number programme to support their planning and delivery of these sessions. The fifth session each week is used to revisit a concept that the class are not secure in. This needs to be informed from termly and ongoing assessments.
Day 1 |
Mastering number |
Day 2 |
Mastering number |
Day 3 |
Mastering number |
Day 4 |
Mastering number |
Day 5 |
Deliberate Practice |
Year 3 and 4
Arithmetic will take place daily and last for 15 minutes. In Years 3 and 4, pupils will practise and retrieve key number skills that have been previously taught for two sessions each week, to develop fluency. Teachers use Candomaths termly overviews to support their planning of these sessions. The three remaining sessions each week are used to revisit a concept that the class are not secure in. This needs to be informed from termly and ongoing assessments.
Day 1 |
Intelligent Practice |
Day 2 |
Intelligent Practice |
Day 3 |
Deliberate Practice |
Day 4 |
Deliberate Practice |
Day 5 |
Deliberate Practice |
In Year 3 and 4 there will also be a daily ten-minute session dedicated to learning and retrieving times table facts. Teachers use The Number Sense Times Table Fluency programme to support their planning and delivery of these sessions.
Year 5
Arithmetic will take place daily and last for 15 to 20 minutes. Pupils will practise and retrieve key number skills that have been previously taught for two sessions each week, to develop fluency. Teachers use Candomaths termly overviews to support their planning of these sessions. Two sessions each week are used to revisit a concept that the class are not secure in. This needs to be informed from termly and ongoing assessments. he final session is dedicated to learning and retrieving times table facts.
Day 1 |
Intelligent Practice |
Day 2 |
Intelligent Practice |
Day 3 |
Deliberate Practice |
Day 4 |
Deliberate Practice |
Day 5 |
Times tables learning and retrieving |
Year 6
Arithmetic will take place daily and last for 15 to 20 minutes. Pupils will practise and retrieve key number skills that have been previously taught for two sessions each week, to develop fluency. Teachers use Candomaths termly overviews to support their planning of these sessions. Two sessions each week are used to revisit a concept that the class are not secure in. This needs to be informed from termly and ongoing assessments. The final session is dedicated retrieving and practising fluency of mixed arithmetic questions. Teachers use LBQ programme to support their planning and delivery of these sessions.
Day 1 |
Intelligent Practice |
Day 2 |
Intelligent Practice |
Day 3 |
Deliberate Practice |
Day 4 |
Deliberate Practice |
Day 5 |
Mixed Arithmetic Fluency |