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Moat Primary Academy


We communicate to parents via newsletters, class letters, and texts. Please view the different types of ways we communicate below.

Information on events

  • September – a year calendar of key events is sent out with the first newsletter (also still available on the school website in the section ‘letters and newsletters).
  • Two newsletters per half-term, which detail dates and events for each half-term. The newsletter goes out in the first week of each half-term and a review newsletter is sent out in the last week of each half-term.
  • All newsletters are available here.
  • Where an e-mail address has been provided, newsletters are e-mailed. If not, a paper copy is given to the pupil.
  • Additional text message reminders are also sent for most events. (Please ensure you have provided up-to-date contact details).
  • Trips and sporting events/matches – separate letters are sent for these events, as they require parental signatures for participation.

Information on pupil's progress

  • October – parents’ evenings.
  • March – parents’ evenings.
  • July – written end of year report.
  • July - parents’ evening for any parents with concerns about their child’s written report
  • SATs (standardised assessment test) results reported for applicable year groups (Year 2 and Year 6).
  • Phonics screening check outcome reported for applicable year group (Year 1).
  • Once per full term – book look after school for parents to view pupils’ books.
  • Weekly texts sent to parents for pupils in the Good News Book and for those pupils who have earned the most BEST points in their class that week.
  • Termly good news certificate assemblies – parents welcome to attend (and parents notified in advance by text if their child is receiving a certificate.

Communication as a two-way process

  • Parents can at any point request to meet with their child’s class teacher to discuss their child’s progress or any concerns. Just ask your child’s class teacher to arrange a convenient time to meet, and they will be willing to do so.
  • Staff are available at the door to leave messages in the morning and to communicate with at the end of the day (once pupils have been seen out to parents).